Rollaboard Travel – the art of packing light

Blue Water
Learning to travel light is a process. One day after a trip when I was charged my usual excessive luggage weight fee and strained a shoulder fighting with my overweight bag, I decided to make a change. I decided to learn the art of packing light.

Reducing your luggage weight starts with limiting your bag size and number of bags. This site is dedicated to teaching you how to pack lighter and smarter so you can land at your destination with the important items and leave the rest at home.

There are many advantages to packing light. The most obvious benefit is a small bag can be carried on the plane with you so you never have to worry about it getting lost or having to pay for it. The sad truth is that most air lines charge per bag and the fees aren’t cheap. Unless you’re an elite status frequent flyer, expect to pay $25 or more per bag. Ouch! Packing light and carrying your rollaboard onboard is like getting a discount on your flight before you leave the ground.

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